The Tragedy of Church Leaders Choosing Government Over God

The current state of the church is nothing short of a tragedy. The vast majority of religious leaders have abandoned their commitment to hearing God and have instead traded it for government favors and orders. This is an unacceptable betrayal of their calling and responsibility to give spiritual direction in times of darkness. The church leaders should have been leading people to trust in God during the pandemic, not in the government.

The Bible teaches us to listen to God’s voice on everything. However, during the pandemic, almost all clergy in the world chose to listen to the federal government rather than God. The church’s foundation lies in our belief that Jesus Christ is our Lord, Savior, Healer, and soon-coming king. Yet, during the pandemic, the global agenda managed to convince many church leaders to omit Jesus as Savior and Healer and rely solely on the government.

This is a significant departure from the church that mirrored the New Testament church, where people took God’s word seriously and were willing to sacrifice their lives for the cause of Christ. The church now is a far cry from that, and it’s difficult to find a church that reflects the New Testament church. In the USA, denominations were bribed by the pharmaceutical industry to turn their sanctuaries into vaccine camps in exchange for hefty donations from big pharma, the government, or both.

This exchange has led to giving up our theology and belief in Jesus Christ’s healing and saving power. Instead, we’ve been told by the government that it’s our only way out, which is a direct contradiction to what the Bible teaches. Matthew 4:23-25 teaches that Jesus is a healer, and he heals all manner of disease and sickness. Jesus has proven his power throughout the ages and has miraculously cured nearly every kind of disease known to mankind. Christians have been expected to follow blindly despite the lack of evidence when we are taught not to judge.

Christians have also approved of segregation and isolation, turning against the same biblical teachings that Jesus himself demonstrated when he healed lepers in Luke 17:11-19. Jesus physically touched the lepers without gloves, sanitizers, or anti-bacterial soap and commissioned them to show themselves to the priests rather than hide or alienate themselves. However, church leaders have completely abandoned this scripture, compelling their members to wear masks to enter the sanctuary and even banning them without proof of vaccination.

Clerics like Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley and Franklin Graham have made debasing statements that undermine the power of Christ within believers. Rev. Wesley has welcomed vaccinated visitors while barring others from worship while Franklin Graham claimed that if Jesus were still on earth, he would have taken the vaccine. These statements are blasphemous and show a great lack of understanding of Christ’s power and sovereignty.

The government has succeeded in getting almost all clergy to abandon everything that was taught about the Mark of the Beast as detailed in Revelation 13. It’s impossible to be blind to the signs of the times; if it looks like the mark, sounds like the mark, and functions like the mark, then it’s probably the mark.

The government has overtaken the minds of the people, and the Bible, which Christians claim to believe, has been confiscated from most churches. While not in a literal sense, the government has effectively taken over the minds of religious leaders, leading them to forsake Biblical teachings. It’s time for someone to take a stand against tyranny and be the church that Jesus died for. We don’t have much time.

In conclusion, the state of the church is appalling. It’s time for church leaders to repent and return to their calling; to listen to the voice of God and lead their congregations to trust in Him during tough times. The church should reflect the New Testament church rather than fall prey to the agendas of the government. It’s time to return to Biblical teachings and abandon the directives of the government and big pharma. It’s not too late to make a change and redirect our steps towards a path that honours God, only if church leaders are willing to take a stand.