The Cure for Our Social-Media-Infused Culture: Discovering God’s Unfettered Love

In the digital age, where the pursuit of likes, shares, and followers on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok has become an obsession, we find ourselves grappling with a deep-seated issue—a profound sense of not being loved or validated. This problem is not merely skin-deep; it permeates the very fabric of our society, affecting everyone from children raised in loving homes to adults who seemingly have it all.

Our culture, steeped in a social-media-infused milieu, has traded genuine love with artificial expressions of affection. These virtual affirmations, despite their allure, are far from the pure, unadulterated love that is the essence of our existence—God’s love.

As we examine the scriptures, we realize that the Bible offers a clear depiction of true love. In 1 John 4:9-10 (New International Version), we read, “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

This profound declaration underscores the unconditional nature of God’s love—it is not predicated on our love for Him, but on His boundless love for us, demonstrated through the ultimate sacrifice of His Son.

In Romans 5:8 (NIV), we find another testament to this divine love, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This scripture emphasizes that God’s love isn’t contingent on our worthiness; it is freely given, even when we fall short.

As we approach Christmas, my heartfelt prayer and desire for each of us is to discover and embrace this genuine love—a love that stems from God and permeates our very being, not from fleeting affirmations on social networks. The love of God offers a cure for the loneliness, depression, and feelings of insufficiency that are often exacerbated by our social media consumption.

This Christmas, let the gift we receive be a life-changing experience—an awakening to God’s love, which accepts us just as we are, without the need for validation from others or ‘likes’ on a screen. As we step away from the superficiality of man-made affection and computer-generated approval, we can find solace in the pure, unchanging love of God.

May this revelation transform your Christmas into a celebration of divine love, bringing joy, peace, and fulfillment into your life. Remember, you are loved, not for what you do or how many likes you receive, but for who you are—a beloved child of God.

Merry Christmas.

Dr. Aaron Lewis, December 25, 2023