Where lives are healed and destinies are fulfilled! Sun, 31 Mar 2024 12:39:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 Rise Like an Eagle: Embracing the Resurrection Power Within You Sun, 31 Mar 2024 11:10:00 +0000 On this sacred day of celebration, we are reminded of the powerful truth that Christ conquered death and rose again. This miraculous event is not just a distant historical account but a living reality that we can all experience in our own lives. It is a ray of hope, a promise of redemption, and a testament to the unwavering love God has for each and every one of us.

In our own moments of despair, when the weight of the world seems too heavy to bear, we can take solace in the fact that Jesus overcame the darkest of nights. He rose from the grave, triumphing over sin, death, and despair, so that we too can rise above our circumstances. Just as Jesus emerged victorious, we too can emerge from the ashes of our struggles with renewed strength, resilience, and faith.

No matter what trials you may be facing – whether it be loss, illness, heartbreak, or failure – know that you are not alone. Jesus is with you, guiding you, and empowering you to rise up and overcome. You have been equipped with the same power that raised Christ from the dead, a power that can transform your life and bring you to new heights of spiritual maturity and fulfillment.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, do not be disheartened by the challenges of this world. Instead, take heart in the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, knowing that He has paved the way for you to rise like an eagle above your circumstances. Trust in His unfailing love, lean on His strength, and believe in His promises. For just as surely as Jesus rose from the grave, you too can rise up and soar to new heights in Him. Be blessed, be encouraged, and rise up to claim the victory that is already yours.

Dr. Aaron Lewis, March 31, 2024 Resurrection Sunday

The Cure for Our Social-Media-Infused Culture: Discovering God’s Unfettered Love Mon, 25 Dec 2023 10:00:00 +0000 In the digital age, where the pursuit of likes, shares, and followers on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok has become an obsession, we find ourselves grappling with a deep-seated issue—a profound sense of not being loved or validated. This problem is not merely skin-deep; it permeates the very fabric of our society, affecting everyone from children raised in loving homes to adults who seemingly have it all.

Our culture, steeped in a social-media-infused milieu, has traded genuine love with artificial expressions of affection. These virtual affirmations, despite their allure, are far from the pure, unadulterated love that is the essence of our existence—God’s love.

As we examine the scriptures, we realize that the Bible offers a clear depiction of true love. In 1 John 4:9-10 (New International Version), we read, “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

This profound declaration underscores the unconditional nature of God’s love—it is not predicated on our love for Him, but on His boundless love for us, demonstrated through the ultimate sacrifice of His Son.

In Romans 5:8 (NIV), we find another testament to this divine love, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This scripture emphasizes that God’s love isn’t contingent on our worthiness; it is freely given, even when we fall short.

As we approach Christmas, my heartfelt prayer and desire for each of us is to discover and embrace this genuine love—a love that stems from God and permeates our very being, not from fleeting affirmations on social networks. The love of God offers a cure for the loneliness, depression, and feelings of insufficiency that are often exacerbated by our social media consumption.

This Christmas, let the gift we receive be a life-changing experience—an awakening to God’s love, which accepts us just as we are, without the need for validation from others or ‘likes’ on a screen. As we step away from the superficiality of man-made affection and computer-generated approval, we can find solace in the pure, unchanging love of God.

May this revelation transform your Christmas into a celebration of divine love, bringing joy, peace, and fulfillment into your life. Remember, you are loved, not for what you do or how many likes you receive, but for who you are—a beloved child of God.

Merry Christmas.

Dr. Aaron Lewis, December 25, 2023

Church Sovereignty: A Divine Principle of Self-Governance Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:54:00 +0000 God’s sovereignty is an inherent attribute, an unassailable position of authority that transcends time and earthly realms. This sovereign nature extends beyond the godhead, enveloping the church, which is known as the bride of Christ. However, modern church leaders have often misconstrued the true essence of church sovereignty due to unnecessary reliance on government endorsement and intervention. This paper aims to emphasize that the church, as a self-governing entity, should not be overseen by any governmental authority. Instead, it should adhere to a higher moral and ethical code, guided by God’s laws. History has shown that whenever the church submitted to the government, it ultimately failed and displeased God.

This paper will delve into the concept of church sovereignty, exploring its theological foundation, deconstructing different forms of government, and highlighting the imperative for the church to align itself solely with God’s authority. First and foremost, the theological basis of church sovereignty rests upon the sacred union between Christ and the church, often symbolized as the bridegroom and the bride. This divine union is not merely a metaphorical concept but a tangible reality for Christian believers. As the apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25, NIV). This profound imagery signifies the inseparable and eternal connection between Christ and the church, mirroring the spiritual union shared by the Father and the Son.

Renowned Christian theologian Karl Barth emphasizes the theological significance of this union, stating that “the church and the triune God are not only two entities standing side by side but are in a mutual eternal existence” (Church Dogmatics, IV/1, p. 233). In other words, just as God is sovereign, so is His bride, the church, endowed with the privilege of self-governance through this divine union.

Moreover, the concept of church sovereignty finds validation in Jesus’ teachings. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus exhorts his disciples, declaring, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18, NIV). This declaration reflects Jesus’ divine authority as the head of the church, bestowing upon the church its own inherent authority in the earthly realm.

The early church father, St. Augustine, offers a profound reflection on the sovereignty of the church. In his work, “City of God,” Augustine asserts that the church, established by Christ, possesses its jurisdiction and authority independent of earthly powers. He argues that “the city of God, or the holy people and the true Christian religion, is not based on worldly ambition but on the love of making progress towards the heavenly city” (City of God, Book 19, Chapter 17).

These theological perspectives from scholars and scriptures affirm the divine foundation of church sovereignty. The church, as the bride of Christ, partakes in a sacred union with its divine bridegroom, possessing inherent authority and the privilege of self-governance. By adhering to these theological truths, the church is empowered to fulfill its mission on Earth, guided by God’s laws and principles, and resisting undue interference from external forces.

Theocratic Governance

Sovereignty is a word that many people have heard concerning nations of the world. Sovereignty, in the context of nations and government, refers to the supreme authority and power of a governing body over a defined territory and its people. It signifies the ability to make decisions and enforce laws without interference from external forces. Sovereignty can be defined as:

“Sovereignty is the exclusive and independent authority exercised by a nation-state or government within its borders, conferring the absolute right to govern, make laws, and maintain order without undue external influence or control.”

While the concept of sovereignty is commonly associated with the governance of nations, it also holds significant implications for the internal affairs of religious institutions, particularly in the form of theocratic governance. Sovereignty, in an ecclesiastical or theocratic sense, is different as it disallows interference from the government with its work and interpretations of how the church should function properly.

Sovereignty encompasses the unhindered authority of the Body of Christ to govern itself autonomously, free from any external interference or influence. The key differentiating factor lies in theocratic governance, where the church’s authority is entirely derived from God and His Word, surpassing any civil laws. This distinctiveness sets the theocratic government apart from other earthly forms of governance.

In the United States, the concept of church sovereignty exists within a broader framework of diverse forms of government. This includes the federal system where power is shared between the central government and individual states, as well as the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. While these forms of government primarily pertain to secular authorities, they have an undeniable impact on the church’s relationship with the state and other governing bodies.

The federal system’s allocation of power between the central government and individual states allows for varying degrees of autonomy for religious institutions. Through this arrangement, the church is often granted the freedom to exercise its own internal governance and decision-making processes, safeguarding its sovereign authority in spiritual matters. Simultaneously, the separation of powers ensures that the state does not encroach upon the church’s religious affairs, thereby preserving the church’s ability to determine its doctrinal principles, conduct ceremonies, and shape its internal structures.

Moreover, the checks and balances within the American governmental system play a critical role in protecting the church’s sovereignty. The judiciary, legislature, and executive branches serve as counterbalances to one another, preventing any single entity from unilaterally infringing upon the church’s autonomy or imposing restrictions on its religious practices. This system helps maintain a delicate equilibrium between the church and secular authorities, ensuring that the church can exercise its sovereignty in accordance with its theological convictions while recognizing the legitimate authority of the state within its own sphere of governance.

It is through these different forms of government that the church navigates its relationship with secular authorities. By understanding the principles of federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances, the church can foster a relationship of mutual respect and cooperation with the state, both preserving its sovereignty and recognizing the necessary role of secular authorities in matters that pertain to the temporal realm.

Jesus, Our Ultimate Example

Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have handed you over to me; what have you done?” Jesus answered, “My kingship is not of this world; if my kingship were of this world, my servants would fight, that I might not be handed over to the Jews; but my kingship is not from the world.” Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this, I was born, and for this, I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.” John 18:35-37 (RSV)

Jesus Christ eloquently articulated the dichotomy between His heavenly kingship and His earthly residency. He acknowledged that His kingship did not belong to this world, as attested in John 18:36. Similarly, the church should recognize its true identity and purpose, regardless of temporary earthly allegiances. While striving for peaceful coexistence within local, state, and federal governance, the church is mandated to prioritize its biblical principles and spiritual convictions. Governmental directives that contravene these convictions necessitate the church’s allegiance to God rather than accommodating governmental overreach and the disregard of Christ’s position.

Church sovereignty is a divine principle essential to the self-governance of Christ’s bride. A thorough understanding of this concept allows the church to transcend government oversight and fulfill its mission without compromise. By aligning with God’s superior moral and ethical standards, the church safeguards its inherent sovereignty and remains faithful to its divine purpose and its first love.

Dr. Aaron Lewis, November 17, 2023


In the context of God’s authority, the Holy Bible serves as the foundational text for understanding the principles of theocratic governance (2 Timothy 3:16).

Honoring Our Veterans: A Christian Perspective Fri, 10 Nov 2023 10:11:00 +0000 Veterans Day, originally known as Armistice Day, is a significant occasion in the United States, observed annually on November 11th. It’s a day dedicated to honoring the brave men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. As Christians, our respect and honor for veterans are rooted not only in gratitude for their service but also in the teachings of the Bible.

Biblical Basis for Honor

The Bible, in Romans 13:7, instructs us to “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.” This scripture encourages us to recognize and appreciate those deserving of respect and honor, and undoubtedly, our veterans fall into this category.

Our veterans have shown immense courage, dedication, and selflessness – qualities that align with Christian values. They have risked their lives and well-being to protect our freedoms and uphold the principles we hold dear.

The Deserving Honor

Veterans deserve our honor for their sacrifices. Jesus Himself said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). While not all veterans have had to make the ultimate sacrifice, they have all been willing to do so, embodying this profound expression of love.

Moreover, the Bible teaches us to “Respect everyone, and love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God, and respect the King” (1 Peter 2:17). This verse emphasizes the importance of giving respect to all, including those in positions of authority or service, like our veterans. Their commitment to duty mirrors the commitment Christians are called to have towards God and each other.

Actionable Ways to Honor Veterans

Honoring veterans goes beyond mere words. It involves actions that demonstrate our respect and gratitude. As Christians, we can show our honor by praying for our veterans and their families, asking God to provide them with peace, strength, and healing. Additionally, we can support organizations that provide assistance to veterans. Whether through financial contributions or volunteering, these acts of kindness reflect the Christian call to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

Finally, let’s not forget the simple act of saying “Thank you.” A sincere expression of gratitude can have a profound impact, reminding veterans that their sacrifices are appreciated and not forgotten. As Christians, honoring our veterans is more than a patriotic duty; it’s a Biblical mandate. By showing our respect and gratitude, we are following the teachings of the Bible and acknowledging the selfless sacrifices our veterans have made. Let’s remember to honor our veterans not just on Veterans Day, but every day.

Dr. Aaron Lewis, November 10, 2023

From Pain to Purpose: A Personal Journey | Pastor Lee Robbins Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:00:00 +0000 In the crucible of my personal struggles, I discovered God’s purpose for my life – to be a bridge builder. My experience of serving 3 and 1/2 years in a prison camp spurred me to connect with individuals emerging from incarceration. This journey was not just about connecting people; it was about fostering understanding and facilitating transformation.

My work as a Community Coordinator for Georgia Community Supervision further underscored the importance of building bridges. Here, my focus was on fostering positive relationships between police officers and the communities they serve. This was a mission born out of necessity and driven by a deep understanding of the dynamics at play.

As the leader of a multi-racial church, I was called upon to bridge racial divides. The task was challenging, but it was also rewarding in ways that words often fail to capture. My role did not end here. Backed by my experiences, I committed myself to building reentry bridges and resources within the community.

I understand the sting of rejection, having been labeled an ex-felon despite being exonerated from a wrongful conviction. Recognizing this pain and channeling it into purpose can be a process, often fraught with emotional turmoil. Many of us, when faced with pain and trauma, instinctively bury it deep within ourselves, hoping to escape its grip. However, if left unaddressed, this pain can silently wreak havoc within us.

Conversely, if we harness our pain and leverage it, we equip ourselves to empathize with others in similar situations. We can offer them the solace we have received, turning our trials into a source of comfort for others.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-7)

This passage encapsulates how pain can propel us towards purpose.

Dr. Aaron Lewis’s book “Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny” has been instrumental in my journey. It provides insights into understanding our destiny and finding our true selves. The book has touched the lives of thousands of formerly incarcerated individuals, helping them find their purpose and destiny through their pain.

My new book, “Pain Pushed Me Into Purpose,” further explores this theme. It delves into the dynamics of pain and how it can be harnessed to drive personal growth and transformation. “Pain Pushed Me Into Purpose” was officially released on September 3rd, 2023, and has since been widely acclaimed for its insightful exploration of pain and purpose (Source: The Source Church Unlimited | Buford GA).

I discuss the subject of pain extensively and emphasize how understanding and confronting our own pain can lead to the discovery of our true purpose (Source: Know Pain Know Purpose book by Lee Robbins). This book is not just a testament to Robbins’ personal journey but an empowering guide for others navigating their own paths.

The book is available for purchase on Lee Robbins’ website, where you also have the option to request a signed copy. (Source: PAIN PUSHED ME INTO PURPOSE – Life Empowerment). It is also available on other platforms such as Better World Books.

In addition to the book, Robbins has shared insights and excerpts from his work through various platforms. His posts on LinkedIn and live sessions on Facebook provide additional context and discussions around the themes in his book (Source: Lee Robbins, Mdiv.’s Post | Lee Robbins was live).

Finally, I encourage you to consider supporting the work of Vital Signs Ministry, an organization committed to helping individuals navigate life after incarceration. Your contributions can make a significant difference in the lives of those seeking to find their purpose amidst life’s challenges.

The journey from pain to purpose is a deeply personal and transformative one. Whether it’s through books like “Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny” and “Pain Pushed Me Into Purpose,” or through the support of organizations like Vital Signs Ministry, we can all play a part in helping individuals navigate this journey.

Pastor Lee Robbins, November 3, 2023

To make a contribution to Vital Signs Ministry click here

To order a copy of Pain Pushed Me Into Purpose click here

Family Church Pakistan Fri, 27 Oct 2023 10:14:00 +0000 Dear Friends and Family of God International

It’s my honor and privilege to introduce a young man who is doing remarkable and transformational work in Pakistan. Pastor Zeeshan Jan, a son in the Lord, has been faithfully serving as the lead pastor of one of our churches in Pakistan. Despite the challenges and persecutions faced daily due to the religious climate, Pastor Zeeshan and his congregation demonstrate an unwavering commitment to spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ.

With the support of Family Church International USA, they have been able to share the precious gift of life through the distribution of Bibles, leading to the salvation of many souls. The work he is doing is truly inspiring and a testament to the power of faith and perseverance.

Let us continue to keep Pastor Zeeshan, his congregation, and the people of Pakistan in our prayers. Now, I’ll let Pastor Zeeshan share more about his incredible journey and the work they’re doing in Pakistan.

In His Service,

Dr. Aaron Lewis Prelate

Family of God International

I Greet you all in the wonderful name of the LORD Jesus Christ from Family Church Pakistan.

This is your brother in Christ Jesus, Pastor Zeeshan Jan, all the way from Pakistan. I am very glad to write this for you. We have been serving here in Pakistan for ten years. I’m serving the LORD as lead Pastor of my church. We have three different church groups working together. We also have outreach ministries in many other areas of Pakistan. I want to let you know since we met the most respected man of God, Dr Aaron Lewis, the Lord has been mightily working in Pakistan through us together.

As you know, Pakistan is an Islamic Republic country. There are many different challenges and persecutions in churches every single day. We don’t have a roof on our church. So, in the winter and the hot summer, we worship in tents for the whole season. But even in these situations, we are grateful to the Lord who is using us and his man together with the spirit of boldness.

We are thankful to God our Father for Family Church International USA, with whose financial support and love we’ve shared many Bibles as precious gifts of life. In the last year, many passionate souls have been saved, wanting to serve Jesus, witness his works, and proclaim the Good News.

We have many different goals and prayer needs. We need prayer and support for the needs of widows & orphans. We are believing God for a church roof to be started and completed. We have many needy families in our church and within our community.

I want you all to keep us in your prayers. Thank you for your love and support, what you’ve done, and what you will do. Thank you.


Family Church International Pakistan

Ps Zeeshan Jan

October 27, 2023

Your Destiny Awaits: A Divine Invitation Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:14:00 +0000 Imagine if we received a tangible, physical invitation to our destiny. Addressed and sent by God, with an open invitation to step into our purpose whenever we’re ready. Wouldn’t that simplify things? A clear-cut path to follow, complete with details of where, when, and how to arrive. But alas, life isn’t that straightforward. Every day, countless people go through the motions of life, ticking off tasks on their checklist, fulfilling their responsibilities, and yet lacking satisfaction. They rise each morning, fuel themselves with caffeine, and then proceed to their jobs or duties at home. They go through the day’s schedule mechanically, devoid of joy or fulfillment. This mundane existence is not destiny. It’s mere existence, not living.

In my travels around the country, speaking about destiny, I often ask, “Would you continue to show up for work if you weren’t getting paid?” In a crowd of hundreds, only a handful would raise their hands, affirming their commitment to their work irrespective of the monetary reward—the majority, however, express discontent with their current profession. Spending a significant portion of your life doing something you detest is absurd. Yet, many continue to do so to pay the bills. But let me assure you, paying bills is not a destiny.

The crux of the issue is this – most people are working to live rather than finding life in their work. Suppose I was brought up by hardworking parents who devoted their time and energy to their work but didn’t seem to derive joy from it. “Would that this truly be what God intended for us?”

Let’s revisit the destiny invitation we imagined earlier. What if it read differently? What if the invitation read, “You’re cordially invited to a life of purpose and fulfillment. A life where your work is not just a means to an end but a source of joy, satisfaction, and meaning. Your RSVP is your commitment to embrace the journey, with all its twists and turns, ups and downs.”

Destiny is more than just showing up; it’s about stepping up. It’s about consciously choosing to live a life brimming with purpose, passion, and potential. It’s about finding that unique spark within you and fanning it into a flame that lights up your path and illuminates the way for others.

God’s plan for us is not merely to survive but to thrive. He didn’t design us to be cogs in a wheel, spinning endlessly without purpose or direction. Instead, He created us with unique gifts and talents, with a specific mission that only we can fulfill. This is our destiny – a divine assignment that goes beyond earning a living and delves into the realm of making a difference. The question now is, will you accept this divine invitation? Will you step out of the shadows of mediocrity and into the light of your destiny? Will you stop merely existing and start living? The choice is yours. Your destiny awaits.

Remember, destiny is not a destination but a journey. And on this journey, every step counts. So don’t just show up, step up. Don’t just exist, live. In doing so, you’ll discover that there’s more to life than just paying bills. There’s a purpose. There’s a destiny. And it’s waiting for you to embrace it.

Dr. Aaron Lewis, October 20, 2023

Praying for Peace Amidst the Israel-Hamas Conflict Fri, 13 Oct 2023 10:03:00 +0000 In the heart of every believer, there is an unquenchable desire for peace. It’s a longing woven into our spiritual DNA, a yearning that resonates with the very heartbeat of God. As news of the escalating conflict between Israel and Hamas reaches us, this longing becomes a fervent prayer. We find ourselves on our knees, pleading for peace, crying out for an end to the senseless violence that has already claimed so many lives.

The tragedy unfolding in the Middle East is not just a geopolitical issue; it is a human issue, a crisis that affects each one of us on a profound level. Each report of a life lost, a family shattered, a home destroyed sends ripples of sorrow through our hearts. For we know that every life is precious in God’s eyes, whether Israeli or Palestinian, Jew or Muslim.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be peacemakers, to stand in the gap, interceding for those caught in the crossfire of conflict. We are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for the safety of Gaza, and for the protection of innocent lives on both sides of the border. We are called to lift up the leaders of these nations, asking God to guide them towards paths of peace.

We mourn for those who have lost their lives in this conflict. We grieve with the families left behind, their lives irrevocably marred by loss. We stand in solidarity with them, offering our prayers and support, trusting that God will comfort them in their sorrow and give them strength to face the days ahead.

Our hearts ache for the children affected by this war. The harsh realities of conflict are stealing away their innocence. We pray for their protection, God’s hand to cover them, and His peace to fill their hearts even amidst the chaos surrounding them.

We also pray for the hostages being held in Gaza. May God’s presence be with them, providing comfort in their fear and uncertainty. We ask for their swift and safe release, for the restoration of their freedom, and for the healing of the trauma they have endured.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas is complex, fraught with historical tensions and political intricacies. Yet, we believe that nothing is too complicated for our God. He is the Prince of Peace, the One who can bring reconciliation where there is division, healing where there is hurt, and unity where there is strife.

We pray for wisdom for those in positions of power. May they be guided by a desire for peace, not pride or personal agenda. May they seek diplomatic solutions, valuing human life above territorial gains. May they remember that each decision they make affects real people with real lives, real families, and real dreams.

As believers, we look forward to the day when the Messiah will reveal Himself, ushering in a time of unprecedented peace. We hold fast to the promise of Isaiah 2:4, “He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”

Until that day comes, we remain steadfast in prayer, unwavering in faith, and relentless in love. We continue to advocate for peace, to speak out against violence, and to stand in solidarity with those affected by war.

In the midst of this conflict, let us not lose hope, for we know that God hears our prayers. He sees each tear shed, feels each heartache, and understands each cry for peace. And in His perfect time, He will bring about His purposes, turning our mourning into dancing, despair into hope, and war into peace.

Please join us at Family of God Church as we continue to pray for peace in the Middle East. Let us stand together in this crucial time, believing in the power of prayer and trusting in the promise of peace. 

Dr. Aaron Lewis, October 13, 2023

Ministering To the Least Fri, 06 Oct 2023 10:10:00 +0000 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the one of the least these brother and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

We live in a world where the elite, those who have the most, are favored. They are the ones who make decisions for many of our lives, who create policy and make laws. Some elite decide where we live and what we eat, dictate our buying patterns, and influence our daily decisions through aggressive marketing. They affect society so enormously that deciding who we should pay the most attention to can be challenging. We are conditioned to be entertained by celebrities. But more than that, we are conditioned to give our time and talent to those who are the greatest, the most famous, and most revered in society, not the least.

However, when we are judged by the only righteous judge, Christ Our King, he will not judge us based on good works, our social status, or our financial portfolio. Instead, the King will judge us based on what we did for the least in society, the ones who could not pay back the favor. What exactly will be the standard by which we are judged? The scripture gives us insight into this answer.

 I was naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ Matthew 25:36-39

According to these scriptures, we can see who we are called to minister to:

  • Those who have inadequate clothing to wear
  • Those who are sick and invalid
  • Those who are incarcerated

When last did you clothe the naked? When last did you visit and pray for the sick and shut-in? When was the last time you supported the effort of the prison ministry? You may be in a precarious situation if your answer is never to all of these. These are not options but biblical mandates that we practice as part of our daily walk as believers. Why is it so important to minister to the needs of the hungry, the naked, and the prisoner? It’s because they represent the least in society. 

They represent those who cannot offer anything in return to us. If you financially contribute generously to a Presidential or mayoral campaign, if your candidate wins, you may be favored in many ways. You may get an appointment, a job, or special recognition from your winning candidate. So, your financial donation was directly connected to your potential advancement. I am not suggesting that it is a bad thing when you give to political candidates. You should invest in candidates who represent what you value and those who can make a meaningful change for your community. 

It doesn’t work the same with the least. You give, and you do not get anything from the one you’ve given to. This kind of giving is far more praiseworthy from God’s perspective. It’s the type of giving that requires great faith insofar as your total (ROI) return on your investment will come from God, not man. As I mentioned, these categories represent the least. 

  • Those who have inadequate clothing to wear
  • Those who are sick and invalid
  • Those who are incarcerated

My challenge to you is to consciously choose to begin giving to the least. In doing so, you will connect to your highest calling in life, not to be famous or celebrated, but to minister to the needs of those who cannot do for themselves. When you do, not only will you feel incredible, but you will be honoring God in the most significant way. Accept the challenge to minister to the least. Your return will be heavenly. 

Dr. Aaron Lewis, October 6, 2023

Don’t Bury Your Talent: Use It to the Fullest Fri, 29 Sep 2023 11:23:32 +0000 The parable of the talents recorded in Matthew 25:14-30 highlights the importance of using our God-given talents to the fullest. In the parable, a master entrusted his servants with his property before he went on a far way journey. To one, he gave five talents; to another two, and to the last, one talent, according to their abilities. The first two servants used their talents to trade and made an extra profit, an (ROI) Return On Investment. However, the last one buried his talent, not doing anything with it. Upon the master’s return, he commended the first two servants and called the last servant “wicked and slothful” (Matthew 25:26) because he had failed to use his talent productively.

The parable of the talents teaches us that each person has unique abilities, and God expects them to use them for His Kingdom’s work. Burying our talents in the ground only displeases God, who gave it to us in the first place. We may have different skills, but we are all God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works (Ephesians 2:10). Therefore, it is essential to discover our gifts and utilize them in serving others.

Steph Curry is another excellent example of someone who has utilized his God-given talents. He is regarded as one of the greatest shooters in NBA history and has set numerous records with his incredible three-point shooting ability. Curry’s passion and dedication to basketball have brought him great success and accolades, including two NBA MVP awards and three NBA championships. But Curry doesn’t just use his talents for his own personal gain; he also uses them to impact the world positively. He has used his platform and fame to raise money for important causes, such as providing clean water to people in need through his partnership with the non-profit organization “Waterboys.” Curry also started the “Eat. Learn. Play.” Foundation, which aims to support underserved children in their education, nutrition, and physical activity.

By using his talents to make a difference in the world, Curry has brought glory to God and inspired countless people to use their talents for good. Furthermore, using our abilities to the fullest honors God and points others to Him. When we use our abilities, we can inspire others to use theirs. For example, when Rick Warren, a pastor, wrote “The Purpose Driven Life,” he utilized his gift for writing to change people’s lives and encouraged others to use their talents as well.

Tim Tebow is an excellent example of someone who has used his God-given talents to impact the world positively. Despite not attending a public or private school as a child and being homeschooled, Tim developed a passion for sports, particularly football, at an early age. He grew up in a Christian home, and his faith has always been central to his life.

Tebow’s football career was remarkable. He played college football at the University of Florida, winning two national championships, and was the first sophomore to win the Heisman Trophy. His skills and impact on the football field were undeniable. However, Tim believed that his talent for football served a more significant purpose than personal glory or fame. He recognized that his talent was God’s gift to him and wanted to use it to make a difference in people’s lives.

After college, Tim joined the NFL and played for several teams, including the Denver Broncos, New York Jets, and New England Patriots. He was known for his strong faith and unapologetically shared it with others. Tim’s reputation as a Christian athlete grew, and he became a symbol of hope for many people. Today, Tim continues to use his God-given talents to help others. He has started several non-profit organizations, including the Tim Tebow Foundation, which he uses to serve people in need globally. Tim is an inspiration, not just for his incredible talent as a football player but for his unwavering commitment to serving others and bringing glory to God through his talent and work.

There are blessings attached to utilizing our talents for God’s work. What talent do you have? You don’t have to be a great athlete like Steph Curry, Tim Tebow, or even a great writer like Rick Warren. Whatever God has given to you, use it. Maybe you can sing, dance or write songs. Maybe you can draw. You may be great with numbers and love mathematics or accounting. Is physics or science your area of strength? If it is, use it to the glory of God. Don’t bury your talent.

In the parable, the first two servants were praised and rewarded for utilizing their talents. Similarly, when we use our talents to serve others, we can bring glory to God and enjoy His blessings. Even when our abilities seem small, we must use them to glorify God, and He will give us the grace we need. The parable of the talents calls us to utilize the gifts God has given us to serve Him, impact others, and earn kingdom credit. Our talents are not just for our personal gain but for God’s use and glory. We must take time to discover our gifts, utilize them to the fullest, and never be afraid to invest them in God’s Kingdom. So let us not bury our talents but use them productively, bring glory to God, and bless the world.

Dr. Aaron Lewis, September 29, 2023
